Sunday, April 27, 2014

Friday, April 25th

 It is hard to believe that this was our last day together.  We had yet another full day's worth of activities on the itinerary, and it was clear that we were determined to make our time count in Atlanta!

After breakfast, we headed to the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.  We learned about Mahatma Gandhi's influence on MLK Jr. and how he adopted the nonviolent approach that had worked in India's Nationalist Movement.  We walked through the museum on MLK Jr.ís life and watched a biographical video.  After the museum, we were able to cross the street to the crypt of Dr. and Mrs. King as well as the Ebenezer Street Baptist Church where Martin Luther King Sr. preached and paved the spiritual foundation for his son.

A walk through downtown's Centennial Olympic Park, and we became part of the 3 million visitors to visit the park each year!  The park was originally built for spectators for the 1996 Olympics to enjoy and the park's financing came entirely from private donations.  It was a beautiful transition for us to take on our final and last surprise stop… the World of Coca-Cola!

It was really fun for us to watch the kids in the factory… especially in the tasting room where they could sample over 200 different kinds of Coke Products from all over the world.  

On the bus ride to the airport, we had a trivia contest and handed out small souvenirs that we had been picking up at each of our stops to the winners of the questions.

We'll be arriving at the airport shortly and soon be left with our stories from our time in the South!

See you soon, Wellesley!

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